Chhatkuli Subas

Chhatkuli Subas

株式会社エクサウィザーズ・ 正社員


  • 現在

  • The united graduate school of agricultural sciences, Ehime University PhD, Hydraulic Engineering・博士課程修了


  • 仕事の中で、最も楽しいと感じる瞬間はどんな時ですか?

  • この仕事をやっていて、眠れないほどしんどい瞬間はどんな時ですか?

  • 同業の先輩や同僚にアドバイスされたことで、最も仕事上の教訓になったことは何ですか?

    Always encourage

    Rather than criticizing on someone’s weakness, it is better to encourage them on their strengths. This will help them to build confidence on themselves which will ultimately encourage them to overpass their weakness.

  • 転職や就活で、この職業を目指す未経験の方におすすめの書籍は何ですか?理由と合わせて教えてください。

    『Hands-On Machine Learning with Sckiti-Learn & TensorFlow, Deep Learning with Python 』 Aurélien Géron, Francois Chollet

    ‘Hands-On Machine Learning with Sckiti-Learn & TensorFlow’ is one of the books that I recommend for someone if they want to have an overall overview of Machine Learning. If you are interested in Deep Learning and want to...

    have a hands-on experience to feel the power of Deep Learning, I recommend you ‘Deep Learning with Python’.

  • この職業について未経験の人に説明するとしたら、どんなキャッチコピーをつけますか?


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